The Man in the High Castle -Amazon.

Godwin’s law be damned. There’s a Hitler on the field.

 My Grandfather (Of which I have four) Pete St. Pierre served in World War II; this was my mother’s adoptive father. My Grandfather Thorton served in the war as well; this was my father’s biological father. He was African American and served his nations under the most trying of circumstances. My Grandfather Johnny served in submarines and fought the Japanese wolf packs; this was my father’s adoptive father.

Pete Saint Clair and wife: USN

All of them without question fought to defend not just America, but the world from tyrants, fascists, and most especially Nazi’s. 405,000 Americans died fighting fascism.

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American Cemetery, Normandy France.

Americans, as well as their allies,  died from bayonets, bullets, swords, flamethrowers, explosives, hand to hand fighting, drowning – many paratroopers drowned when parachuting down into flooded fields and swamps on D-Day. Men died, were crushed to death, devoured by sharks, or left adrift to die from sunken submarines and destroyers. American men, women, and children met untimely and horrible deaths in that war, a war which shifted the historical paradigm for the world.

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Dead and dying American soldiers; battle of Tarawa Atoll. World War II

Why am I only discussing Americans? I say this because right now every one of our citizens died in vain.

Yes, I said it.

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U.S. Marines on Iwo Jima’s Mount Suribachi February 23, 1945 Leatherneck Magazine/Louis Lowery.

Seriously, what was the point of it all?

Right now the very enemies that our grandfathers fought are worshiping and following the legacy of this madman.

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Chancellor Adolf Hitler, WWII Nazi Fuhrer and douchebag.
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Peter Cytanovic, American Nazi and douchebag. Charleston VA, 2017

Right now, in this nation, Nazis are walking the street proudly; they are wearing their tattoos proudly.

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Philadelphia police officer Ian Hans Lichtermann.

A great many are police officers, a great many are local politicians, and even now white supremacists sit in Congress.

Representative Steve King of Iowa is serving his ninth term in Congress.
US Representative Steve King, (R) Iowa.

When young American men saw the horrors that were Dachau, Auschwitz, and Mauthausen and then took home nightmares – it was all in vain.

American GI’s tending to Jewish survivor of Austria’s Mauthausen Camp.

Are you offended by me saying this?

Have you even read this far?

They died in vain because we have done nothing to stop it. Some of you are even complicit because you sat there and didn’t vote, didn’t speak out and didn’t demand that things change. What changes need to be made?

James Alex Fields, Jr murders Heather Heyer at the White Supremacist Unite the Right Rally On August 12, 2017

The Ku Klux Klan and similar groups are without question Domestic Terrorist organizations.

In 2017, the Daily Beast stated that there are approximately five to eight thousand members of the Klu Klux  Klan – the nation’s oldest White supremacist organization. The Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi party are now essentially the same entity.

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Nick Sandman stares down Native American Nathan Phillips Jan 2019.

Illinois politician Jeanne Ives.

In 2018, one year later  made the shocking (or not so shocking) fact known that eleven million Americans think along the lines of the Alt-right, that’s  3% of our entire nation.

You may think that’s but a small percentage -barely worth mentioning. Nevertheless, when one stops to recall that former Illinois Congresswoman Jeanne Ives, who ran in the 2018 Republican primary gubernatorial election, chose to specifically court the Alt-Right vote. For her efforts she received 48% of the GOP ballots cast.

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Now, consider that the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump has, and will again receive 100% of the Alt-Right Vote.
He has received, and is continuing to maintain overwhelming and vocal support from the KKK. Klan Grand Wizard David Duke has stated that they will support The president’s nationalist agenda, even if he can’t get it through congress on his own – meaning the Klan intends to do this through violence.

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In short, while the president does not identify as a Nazi, he shares their same views, courts their support, and votes. Trump is actively attempting to reforge the United States into a racist and fascist nation. In point of fact, he has succeeded. He has succeeded because, in all three branches of the United States Government we have allowed white nationalists and racists to take root.

Hate map – Southern Poverty law Center

Ieshia Evans protesting the shooting death of Alton Sterling. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S. July 9, 2016. REUTERS/Jonathan Bachman

The good news is that over three hundred million Americans do not identify as Alt-Right. The power that is in those hands, my hands, and your hands can utterly destroy those White Supremacists.

Only 44% of registered voters actually cast ballots in 2016. This means that if we vote, and if we fight tooth and nail to oppose voter intimidation and political interference, we can wrest control and take back both House, Senate, and the White House. We can cast Trump in the burial pit with all of history’s tyrants.

We have to Vote; we simply have no choice if we hope to keep America as the city on the hill for past, present and future immigrants, refugees, and their and our children. We can no longer stand on the side as immigrant children die in ICE concentration camps.

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Yenela Hernánde and family being stopped at the American border. Time/ John Moore

Yes, I said it – they are concentration camps – just like Auschwitz. Is there Zyklon B gas being used? No, but they are sitting in human waste, can’t bathe, are lice ridden, and dying regardless. The conditions in these camps can only be compared, to my mind, to the brutal conditions suffered by those under siege in the Battle for Stalingrad in WW2.

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Look, it’s our America. It’s home to all of us, but if we don’t stop this, it’s not going to be for very long. Trump wants to jail journalists, strip citizenship from his detractors, and his followers are getting more and more brazen with their violence – up to and including murder.

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If you do not vote,  I’m straight up telling you you may as well compose your speech to the Almighty explaining why you stood by as yet another American Holocaust begins.

For Pete’s sake, vote.

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